
the gamma rays just gave her terrible black spots in her lungs, heart, and major muscle groups.

I spent the better part of my day explaining very slowly to an old japanese woman that if she spends two years of her life without a job, without even an attempt at paying rent, she may be forced out of her apartment in manhattan and have to go to a homeless shelter, eventually.
and that the term "eventually" in this case actually means today, March 24th, 2005.

to which she countered "I...... was.... in hiroshima... when it was atomic bombed."


me- "oh."

her- "i cannot go to shelter, young men and old men will try to... become a pair, with me"

me- "thats a nice way of putting it."

her- "ohhhhhhhhh no."

so that all happened, I could give the context but its boring.

fuck it.

this is a picture of my tiny little "yuppie cunt" "purse-carried" cockerspaniel. its name was montgomery, and it shit in the tiniest little thimble when it had to mandela.

adorable to the fucking end.

sweet christmas look at the mangina smile.

my actual father, the smug bastard that he is.

my father, the arm wrestling champ.

my father, the most handsome 30 year old man in England,

my old lady just broke my god damn heart.

here I am at my prom, railed out of my fucking mind on cocaine.

That bald guy from "The Shield" punched my wife in the face to let me know he was serious about parking tickets.

That fat mick is a hell of an actor.

I believed it the whole time, even afterwords when my wife was there, bleeding on the hood of our car, I never once caught myself thinking "This might not really be happening." I was however screaming "This can't be happening!" but thats disbelief in God almighty, not the commish'.

that guy is good.
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