
The closest thing to a quiet night in weeks.

(I damn near forgot that I was literate.)

"The A-team had a van? Well, so does the JC-team. Fuck yourself, B.A. Baracus. Our savior isnt afraid of flying, he LIVES in the sky."

Wait wait wait, WHO owns this car?

The ass end of driving in the DIY missionary position

Play the Hits.

Least they hit all those buzz words. I'd hate it if they missed some shit.-Pendy

Beware Gods Wraft! (there are um, holes.)

polite gets the job done.

some hot girls have been knocking with hammers

call the damn boy. jesus.....

"I see you, boy. I know what you are doing."

god you good looking bastards are having a fine summer day.

Rebel you children, rebel!

jump jump jump

He wears all that pride i keep hearing people talk about very very well. it makes him blacker. So black he absorbs the flash and makes me look a fool.

gotta love our girls

Dont judge. beezer only has one arm. (and a severe learning disability.) (fuck you beez, you broke my leg.)

Nathan's bastard son Takeru Kobayashi - Champion Glutton, Chrusher of America's Fatasstasticous Pride

Herro and Wercome, arr of america's Woman and Man, to the hot dog eating contest to end arr hot dog eating contests!

(little boy crushes fat man)

A....KI...... RA!!!!!!!!!!! (this motherfucker has those atomic bodyparts like tetsuo)

the champions of gluttony

Little Boy who crushed the multiple Fat Mans signs my hot dog for luck against shadow demons, my ancestors ghosts and other anime hoo-doo.

that nice japo kid who won the hot dog contest signed my hot dog, soon for sale on Ebay. (no joke, make offers.)
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