this thing, although easily thrown to the side, is going to have to keep going. I reset the date on the future posting, which to be honest was the main thing keeping my lazy ass... um titularly appropriate. (that word works here, look it up.) Every time i looked at the site, it was a feeling of "well how can I top this? time travel? thats just genius." well I got over that writers block, and decided to rededicate myself to the site, hitting this motherfucker with both barrels, and getting nearly excited in the process.
this bastard site is going to keep running at full speed until it becomes even remotely tiresome, and then i will once again fall into a springtime coma. this will last until i am reminded by our homeless community of batshit psychopaths that "complete insanity found in a grown man, a photo essay make."
I can always keep putting pictures of a homeless man peeing wildly into a windy day online, and it only takes a few seconds.
and my god, motherfucker, does that shit ever make me laugh.