
my father, the explanation.

I realize now that the old joke of pointing at a homeless guy who just shit in his hand and saying “my dad’s had a rough year.” has perhaps been over used on the site.

It has spurred on people asking questions about my father, who has actually been dead for 15 years.

So, I am killing it.
(Please feel free to scroll down and re-live the glory of my “fantasy” dads. I will leave the previous postings up forever.)

So, in effect, I am killing my last remaining tie to my father. Although funny, I feel that it has been slutted on the site, cheaply I may add, whenever I have a picture of someone behaving badly or say perhaps, not having arms.

I feel that I have brought shame on my father’s legacy, which ironically was a legacy of shameless alcoholism. So maybe it worked out for the best.

I will, for the rest of the lifespan of this site, have only 3, count ‘em “tres”, more “fantastical” dads.

So let’s watch and wait with bated breath, together.

Perhaps we’ll wait in a fogged out car. Now are the windows frosted because of blunt smoke or steamy sex?

(I’m happy I got to end this post talking about drugged up sex.)

(Would this have been a "sad" post if my dad was really dead?)

hahahaaha god damn this little thing makes me laugh. I wish it was a hundred feet tall.

my father, the tiny rabid dog.

It's Day Number 5! The 5th day of this website being alive! I'm already terribly bored with the medium! What? Yes!

well it's been a crazy ride for this website.

From the begining when it didnt exist, to the peak, when 6 people knew it existed on friday, to last night when my site was purchased by Time Warner for $600,000 dollars and sold for scrap. they own the pictures, the stories, my past.

I'll travel the countryside taking odd jobs, always one step ahead of the men that hunt me, the family that searches for me. Never making any real connections, and hoping that one day I can learn to control the gamma radiation that changes me from an ordinary man into something more, something hulking.

My name is Bill Bixby, and I'm running for State Senator.

(what? that was fucking all over the place.)

my father, the volunteer fireman. (who is kind of tired of this constant "my father, the hero" shit, but still supports me plugging on, being the rock that he is.)
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