
lotsa damn robots. jesus that fucking weekend never ended.

this is big rob. his dad is the superman below. they run the liqour store for the pakistani guy who owns it. he laughed alot while we talked and tried to get his dad to do a dance for me. i think his dad has parkinsons, rob sould leave him the hell alone.

this was Tony. he had nothing to do with the convention, he just worked at the liqour store and aparently he has been wearing that outfit for the last 30 years. he washes is every night (bullshit) and wears it every day. guy maybe spoke 10 words for the whole 20 minutes i was talking to him.

I asked him what he did in the store and he said "this." then he leaned against the shelf for 5 minutes and wouldnt respond to any more questions. then as i was leaving he stood up and said "so i do that all day. you like it?"

home made, aint nothing like it.

cant get better than this, let me tell you that right now.

he kept asking people to kidnap him


I'm gonna say "couch" or "misshappen body" how about that. or maybe just "gut"

the least offensive costumes i saw the whole time

well done, fat stranger.

someone spilled huge piles of pale batter all over this poor girls.... oh wait those are her giant terrble boobs squeezed into a corset and left out to dry.

look at this sexy girl.

lou ferrigno was PISSED thati didnt want to buy any of his crap so he grabbed the baby out of the stroller next to me and ate it. THATS how pissed LOU gets

here is the closest you are going to get to human beings at this thing until you remember they paid good money to be at this thing. and then its sad all over again.

lazy unimaginative black russians. cashing in that race card pretty quick huh?

Nerds LOVE Pimps

fan art tackles the real issues

in the land of the morbidly obese, this tits arent that huge. in reality however, having each individual tit measure out to be bigger than your head.... well thats fucking insane.

that camo is working so good at this convention center i can barely see the little kid. its amazing

pimpbot needs to pimp fat hoes for energycells

headbutts get you pregnant

his shins are balls. thats right. his SHINS are balls.

most excitedly, the outcasts of nerdapalooza. wow.



"oh hey, whats your costume?" "cheap whores that still wont nail nerds. its a performance art piece." "hey great."


shook this guys hand and i caught mange. i finally caught it.

a better pic of the wheelchair zombies

these incredibly gay gentlemen have basically an entire closet full of clothing without any nipple coverage what-so-ever.

so the costume these guys had were basically giant bacteria but the introdcued themselves as "FWA- Fags With Atittude" swear to god. they were really brave and came out in front of about 600 15-year old nerds. I screamed out "have a great night, you Fags!" and one guy looked like he was going to kick my ass so i screamed "With atittude! with Atittude!" and he turned back around.

the gayest men on earth in their casual wear, as the gayest tin men on earth

the gayest men on earth.
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