
so I found the black and white setting on my camera. that felt pretty damn good. so I took this picture to celebrate. look at them lame lil legs. Posted by Hello

Drink all you want Mr.ThreeLeafClover, you're a loser. But that wasn't up to you to decide. GOD did this to you. So you just go on ahead and drink up, ya lil' sad sumbitch. Posted by Hello

My pictures are now fucking massive when clicked! its amazing! why doesnt everyone have their pics do this?

No really, please answer the title question. I understand that I'm the last in line to try out this whole "electricity" thing, so if I'm not supposed to plug my dick in that hole in the wall, like my brilliant idea said to, I would love to know before I lose my leg that makes babies.

heyyyyy, all the best.

This, my friend, is fucking AWESOME. FuckEVERYONE for ignoring it.

fucking mud-pitted she-beast. (gotta love that passion though, huh?) now real quick read this in an old 1920's newspaperman's voice. like in those old news serials about "the age of space" or some shit. ("She's gonna go far that one, i dont know what it is, but she's got it.") (it was a lot of typing to get that one line across but it makes an old sick bastard happy.) Posted by Hello

His Highness. Regal and Dignified as motherfucking ever. (get that shit out yo mouth.) Posted by Hello

Who else is looking forward to the Puerto Rican Day Parade? Did I sleep through it? I love our holidays of celebrating single cultures through sexual assault. (Only "however many days that there are left" are left until Canada's boxing day! The only holiday more gay than Saint Patty's day.) Posted by Hello

sorry for the break. I've been stricken with an illness. and the computer broke. and my hands were cramped. and my brain was shite. and things were going pretty fucking great besides that. "Cant stop, Wont stop" unless it becomes even remotely inconvienant, and then guess how fast I'm a memory. and after two beers that memory gets WIPED. heyyyyyyy, been a pleasure. Posted by Hello
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