

hey, so thats the news.

also, i had a tiny lil pic in this years vice photo issue. (its one that will never appear on this site, thereby keeping it rare. until they put it on their site. then it will be buried in the pile of other bizarro photos that they had sent their way, thereby keeping it rare. collect all one, motherfuckers.)

in addition, if you go to their site now, and go to the Do's and Dont's, you can see that they were nice enough to snag a picture or two that you may remember from the "glory" days of this site. when we were making long strides on weak legs, trembling with muscles once unknown to us. new, exciting, racist muscles. powerful under the umbrella of sarcasm and other excuses that allow me to keep trying to re-envision the documentary "birth of a nation" and that laugh riot action roller coaster "Shoah"

fun times.

also i have a new job. if you know what it is, please keep it to yourself. its a suprise for people that see me in person.

heyyyyy ok.

and now to christen this fucking badboy!

Jamaicans roll with such class and dignity at all times that when she started to make her ass clap to teach her baby how to count, she palmed the 3 blunts she had toasting and screamed

"Ear me now! Ow many tundah claps do yee be earin, littil babylon?"

(Man, how big of a role in their day to day lives do you think weed plays? This guy was so lit up, he kept drifting the stroller off of the curb. And our "jamaican me crazy" was too busy keeping an eye out for her relay race to get crackin to care.) (steeek! steeek! steeek!)

(thank you puma, for giving me something obscure and racist to hold in my heart.)
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