Kim and Matt, Matt and Kim.
How could you not love matt and kim? I mean jesus fucking god, he is just the nicest son of a bitch at the bar, and she is like that sexy babysitter who your parents trust for some reason although she is only like a year older and totally on speaking terms with the devil. Also, they write songs that are impossible to get out your head. god bless the two of em. they put on a fine fucking show, and made a double header happen like clockwork last saturday. couple a geniuses.
this is a sucka puppet I made, it dances with strings and takes actual photography, rather than the snapshots I flood the blogernet with. its humbling really, that my marionette is so adept with digital film. none the less, the puppet is hard to control and unweildy much as I imagine the real sucka is.(it was either puppetry or another vampire reference,and i think that shit is a little tired to pull a running theme out of.)
how fucking crazy is it that they both, coincidentally are total savants. they both sat down, never had taken a lesson in their lives, and played random keys in random order... and then threatened me physically until I told them they were great? Leon slapped me so hard I lost a wisdom tooth. Q just stood there, with cold eyes, until i teared up and gave him my wallet. (no no no, they were really good though, and it was weird cause it wasnt plugged in or anything. huh?)
She held this pose for 8 minutes while singing from memory her favorite passages from gravity's rainbow. It was intimidating to say the least. then Q tackled her. it was hysterical. it taugh us all the valuable lesson of what happens when you try to intimidate Q. then Q picked up three or four women and started to juggle while singing chaucer in baratone. We is CLASSY bitches.
My straight six is straight six feet under
here is Leon looking at how they got my new car.
They fucking buried it alive.
There is now a very pleasing garden filled with mint and roseary, instead of my leather interior and ENGINE(!) that used to fucking drive me to work.
(thank you alphabet city, for making my gas guzzeling point of pride into an eco-friendly potted plant.)
here is Kev at last week's vice photo shoot. he stands here with Dom' and Sasha, two model/bartenders that posed with him as police officers. Its all for the new Hipster Van that Vice is pushing. its the new cool thing. Soon enough you'll be seeing everyone in them, whether they want to be or not. Its the new retro.
Ready to spit teeth, Boy?
Wilfred Brimley (pictured) has had his appendix removed sure sure, but with it they took an 85 pound tumor, one lung, 35 percent of his heart, 85 percent of the combined weight of his kidneys as well as 16 feet of his lower intestine. after all that, far skinnier and full of piss and vinegar apparently, he said this. "Shit, you could have taken my spine and both my arms and I'd still be able to spit blood and tabacee hard enough to kill a man. all that shit you took out was just slowin me down, now if you'll excuse me, I have to introduce that loud mouth in the corner of my favorite bar directly to God Almighty. I aint got time to suffer no fools." with that he cracked the knuckles in his right hand and said "thats right ladies, you sound off good and loud."