
Listen, she didnt have many hobbies so she asked herself... "How many mongoloid babies could I make in 6 years?"

Well, why dont you help her count them, Count from Sesame Street?

(dracula voice)"Ah, Ok... One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight.
Eight mongoloid babies. ah ah ah ah."

(the eighth rock in the Zen rock garden is hiding her head behind the baby carriage on the left.)
(the math just barely works!)

"The Best Pizza Ovens in New York!"

ohhhhh man. how many brilliant things you wanna throw out there?

I'll list some.

ok you ready, hassidam?

1) I believe the germans also had a comittee concerned with this.

2) listen, just stop fucking that homley girl you know who drags her leg when she walks. I know its cool she lives down the hall from you but the guy she calls dad, you call dad. do the math, herchel.

3) that bloodline youre protecting? its worthless, your kids look like geckos held up to lightbulbs. other kids study the circulatory system by stipping your kids naked and counting their blue veins through their skin. Starting NOW, fuck as many strong backed mud-races that you can, get a little color back into your kids, they smoke like dry ice in the sunlight.

4) give up. accept that your kids are going to go through the first 27 years of their life with two sets of braces and an uncurable fetish for their siblings. good thing you guys have that sheet to cut a hole in. Most people dont have loopholes they try to literally "fuck through" by the way. (you're DAMNED)

I could write another 45 or 50 but im pretty sure i should just stop.
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