
Long Live the Worst Parts of You and Me

I miss you already. You rummy. You Cannonball run, you.


And there you have it. The True Reason for the Season.

its the end, maybe. I cant read spanish.

count the animals


yes, its Sausagehead, the novel. and the "street author" who wrote it.

look at that subtle sumbitch

I'm first in line to pick her up off the rebound.

Play the Motherfucking Hits. (pics from the shows ive been at lately.)

Andy, the quiet in the storm.

Jay is goddamned happy. talented sumabitch. (oh, and sammy's gams are freaking huge. good lord.)

Look at that fucking portugese man-o-war.

(I dont remember if thats how you spell portugese. More-over, I couldnt care less. If someone bothers to correct it I might change it, but most likely not.)

awwww would ya look at that

Japanther had kids hanging off the ceiling

Zombie Hank Williams

Flying Tackle

a shut-in and an ex-patriot.
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