
God Loves a Drunk!

here is the end result of my trying to jumpkick my friend off his bike. fucker dipped the bike in and the next thing i knew i was on the bike like a navaho that mounted a horse to kill the soldier riding it. fucking too fun.

it was a great night. fucking felt like this picture for 9 hours straight.

puppet making his move. (well done, puppet.)


wow. read her hat her shirt her everything. straight off the plane.

HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH your balls were bought at a fucking spencer gifts, guy. your back pack? thats for BABIES that PEOPLE HAVE. (pic 1 of 3)

pic 2

pic 3

i remember when people would drum in marching bands. what the fuck happened to this country?

homo indian doesnt really cover it.

i dont know what the hell any of this is, but george washington here looks pisse and his rythym nation behind him is oiled up for action. i fucking SPLIT.

so there was another gay pride parade the other day. it was kind of cool. i split before the poppers came out, so i guess i missed the "party" part which is god damn fine with me.

tell me of the social commentary with the black body and the giant white head. tell me about it. hypothesize for me.

hey buddy, tell m the difference between you and the 600 people i just put under you.

(insert "explaining how sad this is" comment here)

sleepy classy girl

look at this fat jedi, you cant even stand up! You're leaning! you've been doing it all day! you fat jedi trash! (hahahahahaha, that shit made me chuckle a bit.)

the happy couple and the fist they use for love making

this guy was fucking DOPE.

for all you out there that love the juicy. that shit is in there you jst gotta dig for it.


it just isnt worth this much effort.

THE SOUTH! (holy shit, this kid is just advertising waiting to happen.)


look at his fucking badge name. really good sense of humor on this cripple.I guess when god gives you lemons and then breaks your back leaving you handicapped, beg someone to build you something comfortable with wheels and start thinking of funny ways not to kill yourself when you remember how much fun it is to dance or jump. (listen before you start getting mad, my little brother is in a wheelchair and we joke about it all the time. he has a great sense of humor....) (and both my parents. they are wheelchair jockeys too.) and my dog, my dog loves his little scooter. hahahah nah im just kiddin we go jogging as a happy healthy family of people who hate people with dissabilities. thats what you wanted to hear right? that i hate these people? well its just not true at all. kind of. I mean this guy was a little bit of a scum bag he kept squeezing his girlfriends breasts and looking at me. it was fucking upsetting. he is a cripple because god KNEW he was a bad dude. so he threw bus after bus at him until he just gave up on re-learning how to walk. quitting on the road to recover makes it so god can take it easy for the rest of the day and stop testing you. fucking quit, quit for god. its all irrelevant if there is a heaven anyways.

this is the girl that got asked out for prom as a mean joke and showed up and all the jocks were like "yeah right, like anyone wants to date you!" and totally laughs and high fives each other and then she shows the bottle of rufenal she spiked the punch with and as the guys begin to pass out she starts pulling out her gigantic trucker dick and just goes to town on all 7 of them. thats who this girl is.

wow, just wow. a whole lot is going on here. this might be a full time job for this girl.

the losers who turned their superheros into losers. they bridged the nerd gap of believability, I applaud you.

she kept saying she was waiting for it to vibrate and then she would look at me coyly.... the thing was is that i kept watching it vibrate and light up but it was buried so deep into her headlights that she couldnt see over her jowls to realize her phone was ringing and her boobs were too numb to feel it. gross gross grosssssss.

ohhhhh its so funny to mock their religion huh? eventually those pederasts are going to rebel and do something REALLY fucked up. they know all your secrets, you idiots... you have been telling all of your secrets to boy fuckers that have been boy fuckers since we were all sand farmers, and now we are going to start telling them its not ok? i thought we all just gave them a licence to thrill and moved on already. whatever.

Hey you know what? there are are lists of convicted sex offenders in ever zip code in america. they have yahoo maps with addresses, names and photos. where the hell is the punisher to start taking out the trash? fucking god just let some vigilante justice flare up and make it clear that the safest place on earth for boy fuckers IS PRISON and that society as a whole WILL NOT TOLERATE them being let back into our neighborhoods. they arent people any more, sorry you gave that shit up. now we hunt you for sport. they should be killing each other to get longer prison sentences. boy lovers, jesus fuck.

man you fucking beast, you didnt want to mess up your self described "sweet tits, eh?" so you got your heart tattoo on your stomach.... listen you idiot, life is about comprimise, you have to pick to either ugly up your nasty rack or forgo the "heart surrounded by a ripped apart onion ring" and think of something else to ruin your already disturbing body with.

I feel that you needed to see a nother picture of this girl that had her little friend lick her armpit as adult men thumbed their dicks and took photos, just in case you thought i was a bit rude in the above comments.

read his tag. the guy meant the best.

this lil handicapped guy had a stream of piss running down his leg when the girls let him go. he tried to say it was ejaculate but we all knew it was piss. (if he could have ejaculated that much he wouldnt be timid he would be leading a group of rebels living in a desert compound explaining that he is the son of the alpha and the omega and his sperm wave will crush the evil govt satan, and so on and so forth.)

"you know the Nazis had little pieces of flair they made the Jews wear."

elvis could have died at a more emberassing time. bigger aint always better and you can always get bigger. holy shit, stop making your fat head a joke and put down the fucking cake you death wish. pic 1 of 2.

pic 2

welcome to the grim reality of Mrs. Robinson. GRAVITY IS A BITCH MY FRIEND.

your father isnt ging to love you any more because you bought a huge rack, all you did was make thanksgiving a time for him to jerk off underneath the dinner table using shame and uncomfortable sexual urgesas lube. PUT THOSE FUCKING CRUISE MISSLES AWAY AT THE DINNER TABLE. TIE THEM THE FUCK DOWN, YOUR FATHER HATES HIMSELF BECAUSE OF YOU.

"hey you're that morbidly fat actor who died! great costume!" "Right back at you?" "wait which one of us is talking right now?" "who cares? our thyroid problems equal costume gold!"

just a neat meeting of two furry nerd things

oh good, i was concerned that the disgusting sac peeking out of the back of your skirt might be fake, good to know everything on you is real. (this is gonna be the guy who finds me and kills me one day.)

when a fucking Klingon is shooting the "hey you, you fucking seeing this?" at you, you kind of just have to start firing away pictures, just in the general vicinity, just to fucking capture whatever it is. it happened to be thighs so fat that they didnt register as thighs at all. amazing. thank you klingon, you sad sad adult nerd. i hope you get freaky nerd sex from someone who weighs less than you real soon. (nicest thing you can say in their culture.)
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