
hot fucking shit. this is what i've wanted to see my entire life. this, plus tigers. and a dead unicorn. why a dead unicorn? because its hilarious.


i swear to fuck. this is the only thing i'm bugging out about this weekend. tony's a good fucking man and the show is dope. chacheck it the fuck out. I'm gonna post it 30 timesuntil the day of.

what beach are they holding the japanese exchange beach party on? its to the light? go to the light? i should make a light? what the hell are you talking about? (solly, asia. its funny.) (fuck you, round-eye! Your poor education and fashionable inner city youth has doomed you to a reputation as a slacker in the eyes of the world! also it has created a culture of unfathomable international Cred! your slacker attitudes may seem oh so "cool" but they will lose you your place as number 1 country in the world! ...oh, you dont care about that either? you too cool to care? damn. fuck you america!")

i thought trucker's pride was the right to kill drifters, but whatever.

for pendy
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