
I shot johnny cash's grave just to watch something irrelevant.

One time I watched a guy I knew kill a guy.

I've still got the knife that did it.

another fantastic souvenir from Florida.

This might have already lost its charm.

I'm giving myself two days to turn this shit into something rascist or pornographic, i dont know offhand what else is going to hold my damned intrest.


you know........ it felt good. we're warming up.

I'm now going to make undeliverable promises that this page will improve or mature in time.
I promise to try harder. to have a modicum of decency. to tuck away my shame.

completely undeliverable.

Using a computer like this feels like I'm wearing a cock bowtie.

more things for me to waste my goddamned precious time on.


fuck it. its funny.

right out the gate, Im losing casual friends with the cock bowtie thing.

these things happen.

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