hot fucking shit. this is what i've wanted to see my entire life. this, plus tigers. and a dead unicorn. why a dead unicorn? because its hilarious.
"Like Brazil for Old Internet Nazis"
listen here you redheaded blowhard, some people actually rely on this website for their worktime entertainment. i encourage you to continue (minimally) improving the quality of my life by forging ahead with the hard job of maintaining although i won't deny that i liked the old long scary url better. xoxo, me.
i know. i agree. i liked better as well.
um. they're both still active.
yeah, but there was something nice and insane about me having to tell people a 40 letter website address.
its almost too easy with the thing.
it doesnt hurt, but i miss the absurdity of it all.
makes me want to start 5 more sites. but since i cant keep my shit together on this one to do it for more than a few days at a clip i think 5 or more may be too big for my britches.
and now a very subtle solution.
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