
Well now, would you fucking look at that. I've been fucking up. Suprise, Suprise. (Something of a restatement of the original mission statement.)

After spending the last month well drunk and disgustingly active, I look at my site and find myself taking issue with damn near everything I've put up lately. I love what I have been doing socially, but that’s not what I want the site to be about. I don’t really want nor need anyone knowing what I’m up to.

This was once a home for the bastard sons of man, those damned whoremongers, those filthy masses, those for whom the god had turned a blind eye and said, "No.... FUCK that guy. No, really, take him out back and FUCK him."

And with the portraits of those dregs, my heart swelled. Just being there to document the descent of man and beast into some kind of manically dedicated self-fuckery, well, it felt good, it felt right.

So with the discovery that I have diverted from my original impetus to run a fucking website; i.e. to offer a portal into the underbelly of hysterically unwitting human despair, I return full force, with no peer pressure to document loved ones drinking quite as much as I have lately and to focus much more on the obscene, the bizarre, the publicly retarded and the strange.

I will still throw on the occasional guest star, when it’s a pic that I think hasn’t been seen or something that I think the friend might like to see ‘cause its a fun shot.

So that’s that. Expect the bad, expect the racism, expect the best intentioned wording of things that I think are funny, but might come off as a rat fuck bastard mouthing off once or twice too often.

Please remember this all started with a cock bowtie and my armless father who would dance for nickels just to keep his legs out of hock. We didn’t have far to fall if we end up landing neck deep in shit with our feet wriggling in the air.

(Throughout that last paragraph, I meant the royal we. This is, of course, a monarchy consisting of myself and the two computers I post with. If I had citizens, I would have been eviscerated long ago for lazy incompetence. That said, if I burn, I burn alone.)



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