
things were going well enough. I bought my way into their picnic with a pack of camels. To the left we have JC, who played me "Moon River" 6 times in the first 20 mintes we hung out. he kept asking "I bet you never heard this one!" then he would play it and proudly inform me after words.. "Now that, that was moooooon river. you like it? you ever hear moon river? well if i like you, maybe I'll play it for you later so you can hear it once in your fuckin life." and so on. to the right is Cheo. he told me he had killed 3 block men in self defence and had to run away from the bornx and never look back. then JC told me a hell of a story about him, a dillenger, him quiting the only job he ever held outside of 'Nam. being a brooklyn jew's pretty boy/housekeeper. "he kept trying to suck on my prick. I let him a couple times. I was eating better than my mother ever cooked. that faggot. I should have killed him before i left. I was there 8 months. the food was really good."


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