
A quick note to every anonymous, ever. on anyone's site.

If you are gonna say anything worth a damn, anything worth reading at all, especially if its some inflamatory garbage, if you arent yellow you'll sign it.

no one respects a coward. If you just plum forgot to sign, or were too lazy to do so, next time sign in the body of the comment, and respond to this shit so I can at least face the shit talker. double that if you make hints that we've met.

If anyone wants to read it, its under the Aid's Day post. which wasnt the funniest or the smartest, but also was just a little ditty i wrote at work because I was bored for fifteen minutes and it made me smirk.

If you dont like it, who the fuck made you read it? stay the fuck off the site. It started worse and has had its moments of brilliance in between then and now. If you really dont like the site anymore, I'll return the money you paid to read it.
oh and hey, get hit by a fucking truck.

yours in christ's eternal forgiveness,

-Ed Zipco


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh we've met all right. in fact, I'MJ STANGIN RIGHT BEHIND YOU AT THIS VERY MOMENT!!!! oh wait, shit.

12/05/2005 10:51:00 AM  
Blogger Antlers said...

how cowardly can you be?
you're obviously an idiot. if you really wanted to engage zipco and possibly change his behavior you'd probably need to stop being such a douchebag. oh well.

12/05/2005 11:17:00 AM  
Blogger zipco said...

ive got a feeling the first post might have been a lil joke.

a poorly spelled joke, but a joke.

I think the anonymous from the HIV post might have no sense of humor what so ever. so i'm guesing different faceless dude.

the guy standing right behind me, well that... thats just romance waiting to happen. you sneaky lil mynx you.

12/05/2005 11:42:00 AM  
Blogger Antlers said...

zip and i also fight weel IRL. you can watch sometime.

oh wait. you do watch and then yell "Mom and Dad!!!! I hate it when you fight!!!"

i've got your number lil troublrebrass. nothing gets by theese antlers.

12/05/2005 01:17:00 PM  
Blogger Antlers said...

apparently i'm in "typo" mode today.

oh well.

12/05/2005 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you suck

12/15/2005 08:04:00 PM  
Blogger Antlers said...

i don't believe it for a second.

12/18/2005 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a bunch of nonsense. Anon focuses on content, a passsing tickle or slap to your worldview, lighten up, or maybe, toughen up, blogs are, after all so very anonymous even if you do put your name down.

guess who

12/21/2005 01:44:00 AM  

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