
this new fashion of wearing cut up jeans as a belt with purse pockets is just fucking retarded. There. Nothing funny about this one, i just hate this fucking trend and i hope it dies soon in the gay community so it doesnt spread again like super aids to the heterosexual community. yeah that "giving a shit about the way we look" fad that hit a few years ago. fuck that noise.

also, fuck the gutter punk "i shower as often as my girlfriend bleeds" response that geniuses rebelled against it with. now you just smell like the subway system in spanish harlem. deoderant isnt for fags and it doesnt kill the earth any more than your cellphone you smash the system through text-messaging does.

heyyyyyy sorry, i lost my shit for a second. ive just been seeing too many fashion idiots around and too many dudes smell like a used, open ass pretty much everywhere in new york. you idiots were raised better than this. shower the fuck up and wear jeans like the rest of us.


Blogger Molly said...

Great site, Great commentary!

7/31/2005 03:21:00 PM  
Blogger zipco said...

thanks middle aged lady from the midwest!

8/01/2005 12:02:00 AM  
Blogger Antlers said...

i think she wasn't really reading it. people are such blogwhores. even parents.

8/01/2005 04:11:00 PM  
Blogger zipco said...

to be honest i dont really think any of you people read it.

8/02/2005 11:24:00 AM  
Blogger Antlers said...

we don't.

8/02/2005 05:34:00 PM  
Blogger Pris said...

The jeans as pockets is a new one on me. It hasn't hit South Florida yet. I'm still waiting for the young guys to realize that wearing their shorts four inches lower than their underwear isn't the coolest thing since Dairy Queen.

8/03/2005 06:30:00 AM  

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